External Breastfeeding Links. These links are provided in good faith, but Breastfeeding Matters cannot be held responsible for any third party organisations that you should choose to use.

Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners was set up in 2012 by a group of tongue-tie practitioners from the NHS and independent sectors to:

  • increase awareness about the effects of tongue-tie on babies who are breast or bottle fed
  • support parents of tongue-tied babies by providing access safe and effective care, appropriately regulated, by trained healthcare professionals, who are insured and registered.

Baby Friendly Work to introduce best practice in the health services, promote strategies for breastfeeding and provide accurate information for parents.

Baby Sensory was the first (and original) baby programme to offer a complete approach to learning and sensory development and behind every Baby Sensory session, there's an incredibly detailed lesson plan backing up everything your baby touches, sees, hears, smells and feels!
Telephone: 07794258543

Baby Slings Whether you're expecting your first bundle of joy or chasing a team of toddlers, choosing to use a sling to carry your baby can be a child care revelation. More information about Baby Slings can be found here.

Biological Nurturing is laid-back breastfeeding, mothers neither sit up right nor do they lie on their sides or flat on their back. Instead, they are in comfortable semi-reclined positions where every part of their body is supported especially their shoulders and neck. Please also see this youtube link.

Breast Compression - a technique which may help to keep your baby on your first breast for a bit longer - especially when he or she fusses part way through a feed.

Breastfeeding Network.
The Breastfeeding Network website is intended to provide breastfeeding support and information for breastfeeding women and for those involved in their care. It also provides information about The Breastfeeding Network.

Expressing and storage of Breastmilk - an information leaflet from the Breastfeeding Network.

First Steps Nutrition Trust is an independent public health nutrition charity that provides information and resources to support eating well from pre-conception to five years.

Informed Pregnancy Birth and Beyond is a community organisation committed to bringing families together to support each other through pregnancy, birth, newborn baby stage and beyond.

International Lactation Consultant Association. The International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) is the professional association for International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) and other health care professionals who care for breastfeeding families.

Jack Newman Website International Breastfeeding Centre providing reliable and well-researched information based on 34 years of Dr. Jack Newman's leadership, experience and our evidence-based practice. Offering real, practical breastfeeding help.

Kangaroo Mother Care The purpose of this site is to promote the spread and implementation of Kangaroo Mother Care as the standard method of care for all newborn babies, both premature and full term.

Kelly mom providing evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting.

Lactation Consultants of Great Britain. Lactation Consultants of Great Britain was formed in 1994 and is the association for those with the qualification of the International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). The LCGB specialises in promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding and lactation issues.

La Leche League For friendly mother-to-mother breastfeeding support from pregnancy through to weaning, just say 'la lay-chay'.

Little Bears Forest Preschool - A small privately owned preschool, run by a local family with dedicated, highly qualified and experienced practitioners for children aged from 2 years up to 5 years.

Little Bear Baby Signing
Providing fun, sensory rich baby sign language classes incorporating proven speech and language techniques to nurture and develop your childs ability to communicate clearly and calmly from an early age.
Mobile: 07884 075935

National Childbirth Trust (NCT) We provide accurate, impartial information through our website and our much-loved courses and classes, and we campaign on behalf of parents to change the things that matter to them.

Personal Child Health Record Book (your baby's red book) contains many pages of useful and local information - please do use this valuable resource.

Portsmouth Breastfeeding Groups

Kimberley offers placenta remedies to support postnatal wellbeing. Based in Hampshire, Council approved and IPEN certified.
Email: Placenta Mamas

Responsive / paced feeding - detailed information sheet from the Baby Friendly Initiative plus a checklist tool about infant formula and bottle feeding.

Solent Parenting - Sally is a Birth and Postnatal Doula, Breastfeeding Supporter and Carrying Consultant: Supporting you in the transition to Parenthood from pregnancy through birth and beyond.

Sophy Doula is a full-spectrum antenatal, birth and postnatal doula based in Portsmouth, UK.

The Milk Meg
Meg Nagle is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant in an Australian private practice. She is also a keen blogger with a large international following, an author, speaker and attachment parenting specialist.

Get in touch