Off to the best start

Off to the best start - Important information about feeding your baby.
A collaboration between the Baby Friendly Initiative team under UNICEF and Start for Life this leaflet is an essential guide for successful breastfeeding. From choosing to breastfeed, to getting started and continuing the feeding experience this useful resource provides many practical elements. The images on page 10 demonstrate beautifully a baby attaching at the breast with additional pages describing hand expressing, recognising when a baby is feeding well and the role of partners.

Guide to bottle feeding

Guide to bottle feeding - How to prepare infant formula and sterilise feeding equipment.
A collaboration between the Baby Friendly Initiative team under UNICEF and Start for Life this booklet describes the different types of formula, practical step by step advice on making up a feed, recognising feeding cues and responsive bottle feeding.

Breastfeeding at work

Breastfeeding on returning to work and study
Information for employers and employees, students and course providers.
This Public Health England production in collaboration with Baby Friendly Initiative team under UNICEF and Start for Life provides sensible information about the importance of continuing to provide breastmilk, expressing and storing breastmilk as well as a mothers rights to continue providing breastmilk from her baby when separated due to work and / or study commitments.

Introducing solid food

Introducing solid food - Giving your baby a better start in life.
A collaboration between the Baby Friendly Initiative team under UNICEF and Start for Life this informative leaflet provides information based on the Department of health recommendations on when and how to move onto a mixed diet of solid food and milk. Linking with key messages about responsive feeding the leaflet describes observing your babies developmental readiness for starting to introduce solid foods with some top tips on suitable foods and continuation of breast milk or infant formula.

Building a happy baby

Building a happy baby - A guide for parents.
Produced by the Baby Friendly Initiative team under UNICEF this leaflet describes the importance of parents getting to know their baby, responding to their needs so they feel safe and both enjoy the parenting experience.

Caring for your baby at night

Caring for your baby at night - A guide for parents.
A collaboration between the Baby Friendly Initiative team under UNICEF, Royal College of Midwives, The Community Practitioners Health Visiting Association, Unite The Union , The Institute of Health Visiting, Baby Sleep Info Source and The Lullaby Trust. This leaflet (updated in Feb 2019) discusses safe sleep for breast and bottle fed babies. Understanding the importance of keeping mothers and babies in close proximity during day and night-time sleeps is a key message alongside important points for parents who choose to sleep with their babies.

Safer sleep for babies

Safer sleep for babies

Safer sleep for babies.
In June 2019, a new guide for parents on safely sharing a bed with their baby and avoiding sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been published. The guide has been produced by Public Heath England (PHE), UNICREF UK Baby Friendly Initiative, the Lullaby Trust and BASIS.

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